Black Chaffe, a retired businessman in Louisiana, was hesitant to talk about why he has supported the work and mission of Saint Francis Ministries for 36 years. Not because he doesn’t believe in his decision to give, but because he felt as if there was no unique story behind his gifts.

“Black’s simple statement incorporates all that Saint Francis Ministries sets out to do,” said Fr. David.

“We are here to provide services to children and families who are struggling, to meet them wherever they are, to make every effort to keep families together and make systemic changes,” he said.

Black shares a personal story from his family, of two young people who lost their way in substance use and died much too soon. With that in his background, he became familiar with the important work Saint Francis was doing through its Home for Boys.

Throughout the years, he’s watched the organization expand, keeping up through mailed communications and an occasional opportunity to talk with Foundation staff.

“I liked what I saw. I like that we would take care of kids,” Black said. “My affiliation with Saint Francis is really understanding the work that you do for young men and now young women, who have troubles in their lives that they need to work through. You have a dedicated staff that seems to get good results from that, and it has grown a great deal.

“We are proud to support Saint Francis.” Black said.

Just as helping one child is a priceless gift, so is the opportunity to meet people like Black and Nancy who give not just dollars, but prayers and caring.

“Support for Saint Francis Ministries comes in many ways, through prayer, generous hearts, and a focus on healing,” Fr. David said. “Just as our message for our 75th anniversary says, we were founded on the principles of healing and we move forward every single day by offering hope. We are grateful for those who support our national and international work.”

This story originally appeared in the 75th Anniversary issue of Hi-Lites, published in 2020. You can view past HiLites here.