A Ministry Founded in Healing,
Wrapped in Hope
For 75 years, Saint Francis has served as witness for the power of redemption to create wholeness from brokenness. As our founder, Fr. Bob said:
“The test of a man’s character and strength does not lie in what he has done but in what he has overcome.”
Fr. Mize founded the St. Francis Boys Homes to help boys lost in the criminal justice system redeem their self-worth and imagine lives of purpose.
Today, the services of Saint Francis Ministries may look very different from that first residential boys’ home. But the ideas that created the foundation of this organization stand strong: building self-worth, forgiveness and love, recovery and support for building resilience and overcoming trauma, and, above all, supporting and helping families so they can stay together whenever possible.
Through a wide range of social, therapeutic, and residential services, Saint Francis supports the children and families most in need of healing and hope. We go where we are needed in the United States and in Central America.
Dedicated to the dignity and worth of every human person, Saint Francis will continue to serve wherever God calls us.
Every morning, Jim Zamrzla heads out the door to work on the 5,000 acres he and Stephanie farm near Holyrood, Kansas. They raised three boys and a girl on that land, each of them learning the importance of chipping in and helping out to support the needs of the family.
“We’re out there in Western Kansas about the place where the tree line sort of ends, but in where I think sometimes that the eternal things of God begin.”
—Fr. Bob Mize Jr., Founder
Forever family is covered in God’s fingerprints
Their story begins a mere three years ago, or eight, if you consider how long Shiyrah and Shadow spent trying locked door after locked door. When they finally found the one that opened, they discovered God’s fingerprints all over it. This month, the six of them formally become one, a Williams family on paper as well as in their hearts.